Sunday, November 25, 2012


WHAT AN UNBELIEVABLE SERVICE YESTERDAY AT "One New Man (Creation)" at Steele Creek Church of Charlotte! 

It was Thanksgiving weekend and a number of families were out of town but someone counted 56 Adults attended! A number were new! The GLORY of GOD is getting stronger & stronger in the meetings filling God's Holy Temples so we can be carriers of His Glory into a world full of darkness. 

The Worship time was powerful, the Words coming from members of the body straight from the Throne Room of Heaven were anointed, unified by theme, and lead right into the message God had placed on my heart concerning the call of the church to NOT retreat, but to receive the Sword of the Lord of boldness and Holiness! We are to stand against the gates of hell. The voting booth in this past election was powerful in setting the course for America politically for the next several years! BUT the vote we cast by entering into the Holy-of-Holies through prayer and intercession is far MORE powerful because it affects eternity! 

We are NOT insignificant. The church needs to NOT retreat and hide from standing for God's righteousness and standards for morality. Yeshua (Jesus) called us to be the SALT of the earth. This is a call for us to declare and preserve what GOD has called HOLY. We are the SALT of the earth, but if the salt looses it's power (preserving power) it will be trampled under the feet of those who are in darkness.

The main reason the church has been loosing its influence and POWER is because we have abrogated our responsibility of being the SALT of the earth. We must first follow the instruction of God for ourselves to be that SALT. God shares His instruction to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 ... "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

It doesn't matter what the WORLD apart from Messiah Jesus does - there has been great power and authority given to the blood bought people of God (Jews & Gentiles) who have been born-again. We are HIS PEOPLE CALLED BY HIS NAME. But just being that and knowing that isn't enough. God says what is to be done NEXT...

If they "Shall humble themselves" - The church as become boastful, arrogant and prideful. In Romans 11:18-21 Paul speaks prophetically to the Church of Rome which happens to be the MOTHER of all Protestant Churches today (whether you like it or not) and Paul warns against the arrogance and unbelief that caused Israel to stumble and not recognize their Messiah.

Romans 11:18-21

18 Boast not against the branches (the natural branches being ISRAEL) . But if you boast (or are arrogant), you bearest not the root, but the root thee.
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches (ISRAEL) were broken off, that I might be grafted in. (In other words boasting that "I am the chosen one of God - look at me - I can do NOTHING wrong - I am God's Child and now that I have been saved I can live the way I want to live - do what I want to do without regard to God's Word, commandments & precepts)
20 Well; because of unbelief they (ISRAEL) were broken off, and you stand by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches (ISRAEL), take heed lest he also spare not you (the Church.)

The ROMAN Church did not HEED the words of Paul in Romans. Pride and arrogance entered in. The Church under Constantine dishonored the PARENT (ISRAEL) and rejected their Hebrew Roots. They decreed that it was sin to continue honoring the FESTIVALS (God's Appointed Times) and instead put in place Festivals (Holy Days) of their own making. You can't find the ones we celebrate in the Church today in the Bible. Yet, to this day you can find the ones God Himself Instituted in both the Old & New Testament. The 5th Commandment states in Deuteronomy 5:16..."Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you."

When the Church in ROME dishonored their parent - ISRAEL (the Natural Branches) they brought a CURSE upon the Church that we are reaping to this day. They disconnected us from the ancient roots (our Hebrew Roots) which Jesus Himself made the way in which Jews & Gentiles can now be partakers of as One New Man. The consequences of this error of dishonoring the Parent (Israel) is twofold:

1. The first promise for honoring your parent was that you will live a LONG LIFE - the Roman Church received the fruit of their arrogance against the natural Branches (for their dishonoring their Parent Israel), schism after schism began to plague the church - the protestant church was born. A search for a way back to the Early Church in it's purity and power! With each revival a truth was uncovered and some ground was gained, but because they didn't go back to honoring the parent and repenting of their arrogance against Israel, the were plagued with another schism after another. To this day, the church for the most part, continues this process of breaking apart. Contention, confusion, hatred, pride and arrogance between one denomination against another continue. The church is wandering in the desert just as Israel did trying to go regain the land promised to them. Thus, the Church is NOT living the LONG LIFE promised to those who honor their parent!

2. The second promise to those who obey this commandment is that "things will go well with you in the land I have given you." This speaks of possessing the promises of God which are our inheritance as believers in the messiah. When Rome dishonored their Parent (Israel) the promises of God began to wane. The miracles, signs and wonders, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit diminished. Within the Protestant Church their has been a rediscovery of the Gifts given to the early church. Within the Catholic Church their have been a remnant who have rediscovered the truth that these are still for the Church today. But for the most part, the church has bought the lie that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (the Power of God) was only for the early church. They are no more. They had to have an explanation as to why we are not seeing miracles, signs and wonders as something NORMAL in the lives of believers. As great as the rediscovery of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit has been today in some circles, it is nothing compared to that which we read about in the new testament scriptures, and certainly nothing compared with the miracles, signs and wonders we read about in the Old Testament under Moses, Elijah & Elisha!

The other accusation against Israel is that they had a "form of godliness but denied the power thereof." (2 Timothy 3:5) You see that the Church both Catholic and Protestant for the most part has been reduced to a religious form of godliness without the POWER of the earl Church.

What we are attempting to do in these ONE NEW MAN (CREATION) meetings every Saturday night at 6pm is...

1. Repenting for the church dishonoring their parent ISRAEL,

2. Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of our faith in Yeshua, The Torah has NOT been done away with, but rather, our relationship to the TORAH has been changed in light of what Yeshua (Jesus) ushered us into through the New Birth!
3. Honoring the Sabbath, the Holy Convocations (God's Appointed times) in light of their meaning in and through Jesus the Messiah.
4. Opening the meeting up for the Body of Messiah to be used in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (as done in the early church)
5. Understanding our need to become HOLY TEMPLES for God's Holy Spirit to dwell in fullness and power!
6. Going out for the meetings on fire, with a new passion and love for God and a desire to be witnesses of GOd's Kingdom to help rescue others who are perishing in the darkness.

In our meeting yesterday, God moved powerfully in all the above. Several in the meeting shared how every Sabbath Morning they go to an abortion clinic and hold church meetings. Women who were ready to abort their babies turned away from that decision. You see that is what I'm talking about. We are NOT insignificant. The church needs to NOT retreat and hide from standing for God's righteousness and standards for morality. Yeshua (Jesus) called us to be the SALT of the earth. This is a call for us to declare and preserve what GOD has called HOLY. We are the SALT of the earth,

Come and join us for our One New Man Services every Saturday Night. I am telling you thaty your life will never be the same again. Be filled with the Power & the Glory of the Rauch (the Holy Spirit) and get ready to take your place as a vibrant son or daughter of the Most High God of Israel, in and through Messiah Jesus!

by Warren Marcus-- a Messianic Jewish Believer in Jesus since October 1974., also an ordained Southern Baptist Evangelist, works in Media. 

Trust God and do good. Remain in simple faith, and walk in love.

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