Wednesday, November 7, 2012



“...A TIME TO WEEP, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...” (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

“And when he was come near, he beheld the city, AND WEPT OVER IT...” (Luke 19:41)

For three and one half years, Jerusalem heard His voice, witnessed His miracles; had seen His works of compassion and yet we are brought to this deciding moment concerning the city. One that brough

t Jesus to tears. For He knew what awaited them.

Every enemy that the city had been divinely protected from for centuries past would now be granted permission to completely decimate her... stone by stone!

Did Jesus believe that His “FATHER” was in control? Of course he did, but to entertain this obvious fact, did not prevent Him from WEEPING over their enevitable ruination.

And I’m afraid that if we seek to dust ourselves off a little too quickly and not be willing to deeply contemplate what last night's election meant for the prospect of this nation in coming days, then in the name of knowing that CHRIST IS ON THE THRONE, we will afford ourselves an opportunity to commit the sin of INDIFFERENCE!

Last night’s selection of President was beyond the two men who both ran for the office. It revealed just how far along and serious the sickness is that is within the soul of this nation. It is at a CRITICAL STAGE!!

As the church who has been sovereignly chosen to serve Christ within this nation and especially ministry people, let us enter into another aspect of the GLORY OF THIS CHRIST...

His heartfelt "PATHOS" that He himself expressed for cities and nations that were heading toward ruination. All because the city he wept over was willing to choose DARKNESS over LIGHT!


It seems that everyone who God ever used significantly and ones who would ultimately bring about a “NEW DAY” or a much needed “TURN AROUND” if it was at all possible. Were those who first had to become so deeply TOUCHED, PAINED and BURDENED by the prospect of the ruination at hand.

Time nor space here does not permit me to remind us all about NEHEMIAH’S BURDEN; JEREMIAH’S TEARS; HANNAH’S BITTERNESS OF SOUL; DANIEL’S DEPTH OF INTERCESSIONS and many others who could be added to the list. And not to be forgotten is the record of our own Savior’s PRAYERFUL TEARS OVER A CITY!


I can’t help to think that when many of the same ones who were engaged in a “crazy” celebration over their choice for President, were the same ones who just a few months prior, vehemently and publicly “BOOED” God off their platform here in America... I WEEP!

When I realize that the man who will sit behind the desk in the Oval Office will see to it that Roe v WADE will become even more deeply woven into the fabric of our culture, by adding to its funding, Insurance Coverage... I WEEP!

When I realize, that the highest office within our land in Civil Government will throw his full weight behind the “constitutionality” of SAME-SEX marriages... I WEEP!

When I think about how our President thinks it is alright to be standing on the wrong side of every moral issue and still call himself a Christian (Christ Follower)... I WEEP!

When I think about how deep issues of immorality within this beloved nation shall be celebrated and have already become part of this administration’s “HOPE & CHANGE” agenda... I WEEP!

When I think how the pulpit was once the esteemed voice of this beloved country and now shall be sought to be silenced by politicizing what are forever considered to be moral issues by God and His Word... I WEEP!

When I remember what AMERICA as a nation once stood for and as a whole represented and the changes that have already taken place and shall continue to take place with an even greater momentum... I WEEP!

When I think about the fact that America now can boast in hosting the “LARGEST” Evangelical congregations numbering into the the tens of thousands than ever before within her history. The most popular preachers write NY TIMES BEST SELLING books. More PREACHING is present across the AIR WAVES and still our nation continues to grow more corrupt than ever before... I WEEP!

However, I will not ONLY WEEP!! But by God’s GRACE, I WILL WEEP; PRAY and PREACH and LABOR! And I shall do whatever I can or whatever God will have me do, to take the kind of STAND that these times will require and exact from all of us who call upon His Name.

Perhaps, as promised in the scriptures if we be willing to first “SOW IN TEARS” we shall then one day “REAP IN JOY”!!

It’s the morning after and so let us not be too quick to dry our tears or grant ourselves permission to be released from the present burden.

But instead, let us go throughout this land WEEPING, while bearing and sowing the PRECIOUS (rare) SEED of God’s Holy Word, and I don’t know what it will mean for America as a nation, but I do know and believe this with all of my heart...


by Philip Cappucio, Harrisburg PA

Pastor Phil began his full-time ministry shortly after getting saved at eighteen years old. He was called to a small church where his apostolic, prophetic, and teaching anointing was both discovered and developed. His love for the body of Christ, his obedience to God, and his prophetic gifting have taken him across the country and around the world encouraging and edifying the church.

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