ISAIAH was a prophet raised up for the times!! He prophesied to Israel while many were brought into Assyrian Captivity.
During this time of political exile, the people did not want to hear what was "RIGHT" and how they must return to God. They wanted to keep their ILLUSIONS!!
In fact, the Lord through the prophet rebuked them for looking to the "government" of Egypt for their answers and help. God reassured them that he would let the strength of Pharaoh fail them. (Is. 30:2-3)
During this time, what was worse is the people didn't want the "prophets" to speak words that would locate them, and really search them out, but rather to speak things that would enable them to continue living in their ILLUSIONS!!
Basically their illusions were that they could commingle with the world, making ungodly alliances and still be covered by God, adding sin to sin (Is. 30:1)
Isaiah continued to appeal to them to RETURN TO GOD and find true rest and then they would be delivered (Is. 30:15).
God would be gracious to them once their cry was DESPERATE ENOUGH!! (Is. 30:19)
In a similar sense, we too are living in a rapidly changing moral and political climate than we've been accustomed. Even more than ever the tide of depraved cultural values, are fast becoming emboldened as they continue to receive endorsement from the the highest office in our land. This will only increase the momentum of where the nation was already heading... Morally and Politically speaking.
In some respects, the CHURCH of the 21st Century here in America, will be known as the CHURCH in EXILE!!
How will we respond to the change of environment? Will we turn to the Lord fully? Or, like Israel, will we continue to subscribe to those who preach things that will "tickle" our ears and not meddle with the ILLUSION that so many want to continue living in?
The ILLUSION that the times have nothing to do with what God is wanting to accomplish within His Church and we shall go on as we have before, thinking that we will not be impacted.
My friends, the GLORY OF GOD shall be revealed, but it shall be revealed through an afflicted church. Beyond what we could've ever imagined.
We indeed shall be made to eat the BREAD oF ADVERSITY and will be passing through the WATERS of AFFLICTION. But through it all, may TRUE PROPHETS speak words in this hour that will shatter and expose the ILLUSIONS!! The ILLUSIONS that there will be no real suffering to endure, nor price to pay for what we believe. NOT TRUE... A MILLION TIMES NOT TRUE!
Let the oracles of God speak a WORD that will equip the remnant to LIVE UNDAUNTED during the days that are now fast approaching. And we all shall realize, that the GLORY that is about to be REVEALED is not worthy to be compared to the SUFFERING that this hour shall introduce.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. -Romans 8:18
Philip Cappucio, pastor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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