The beginning of March sees a number of feast days: David of Wales on 1st; Chad on 2nd who trained at Lindisfarne and worked throughout England; Non, the mother of David of Wales on 3rd; Piran of Cornwall on 5th, through whom Cornwall gets its flag; and the island of Ireland on 6th through the myth of Eriu, whose name – as Eire – gives Ireland its name.
May we, at this time, celebrate the influence of Christ and the Celtic saints throughout the British Isles, as we are given cause to remember Wales, England, Cornwall, and Ireland.
All of these people were influential in their lives, but one story from David’s life captures my mind:
Whenever anyone would come to join one of David’s monasteries, David was famed for leaving them outside the front doors being derided and treated badly. He did this, not out of spite, but through a complete understanding of Jesus’ teaching about being sure each one of us has weighed the cost of becoming a disciple (see Luke 14v25-35).
In our churches today, we seem so concerned at ‘making converts’ or ‘getting people in’, that we seem to have no regard for warning folk of the hardships and difficulties they will face when they step into a walk with Christ. We do, of course, have the hand of God upon us and his power working through us and for us, and angels at our side, but life is never easy when we step into the spiritual battle. Perhaps this teaching needs to be better understood and more widely shared among new disciples of Jesus, then perhaps we would not have so many struggle with trials when they come.
May we remember that Christ is always with us, even through the hardest trials and battles,
May we be a part of the sharing and spreading of the gospel of Christ in our lands,
May we be an influence and example to those who come to us,
And may we remember the place of our resurrection, and pray for the British Isles.
And for America!
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