Sunday, February 3, 2013


Be in Health™ is an international organization teaching principles that bring healing of relationships and health as well as disease prevention. We offer teachings to unravel the mysteries of disease and reveal pathways to health and wholeness. These teachings are based on scriptural insights and what is observable in the psychiatric and medical sciences.

For My Life

They had a 3-Day Conference in Boxborough Massachusetts January 2013. 

So, I went with Marian, my mentor in the Healing Ministry at CTR (she's been involved for 16+ years), to the "Be In Health" Conference, primarily--- I thought--- to learn what they have learned over time concerning the spiritual roots of illness and the pathways of healing, disease prevention, and eradication.......

It wasn't all cerebral, though it did include head knowledge. It had lots of teaching that went straight to the heart, the soul, the spirit. And as part of the three days, there were opportunities to recognize, repent of and renounce various spiritual roots and receive corporate prayers of deliverance. On the last day one of the teachings, rather lengthy, was a woman who had been healed of 17 (seventeen) diseases, including some that required miracles, not just healing--- organic brain syndrome--- she could no longer speak--- who presented a "top to bottom" survey of all our biological and psychological systems and roots and manifestations, and then prayer for each. 

When she was praying about the gastrointestinal system, with which I have had YEARS of difficulty (GERD, Hiatal Hernia, IBS, Colitis....), and the most common roots affecting them--- fear, bitterness, unloving spirits--- I felt "fluttering" or something. We had filled out a brief form with our primary diagnosis or lacking that, a perennial issue, for the facilitators there to look at and tie to the most common roots and manifestations, given back and then we had one-on-one prayer with someone from their team. Just brief prayer really, maybe 15 minutes. I had prayer for healing and deliverance of those specific things, and agreed 100% with everything....

Didn't feel anything at the time. 

And that's the point of this brief testimony--- I STILL don't! I have been able to eat normally, drink normally--- I'm not excessive as I'd like to lose weight--- been able to sleep without being kept awake with pain, been able to swim without being held back with the pain! Still no pain! 

I believe I've been healed in this area! Praise God!

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