“My true love” refers to God; “me” refers to every baptized person. The “twelve lords a leaping” are the twelve basic tenets of the Catholic Church outlined in the Apostles Creed. The “eleven pipers piping” are the eleven faithful Apostles. The “ten ladies dancing” are the Ten Commandments. The
“nine drummers drumming” are the nine choirs of angels or the nine Fruits of the holy Spirit. The “eight maids a milking” are the Eight Beatitudes. The “seven swans a swimming” are the Seven Sacraments. The “six geese a laying” are the six days of creation. The “five golden rings” are the first five books of the Old Testament.
The “four calling birds” are the four Gospels. The “three French hens” represent the Trinity, or the three Theological Virtues of Faith, hope and Love. The “two turtle doves” represent the two natures in Jesus: human and divine or the two Testaments, Old and New. The “partridge” is Jesus himself, and the “pear tree” is the Cross.
"Letters from the Cross", Newsletter of Catholic Radio Station WQOM
“nine drummers drumming” are the nine choirs of angels or the nine Fruits of the holy Spirit. The “eight maids a milking” are the Eight Beatitudes. The “seven swans a swimming” are the Seven Sacraments. The “six geese a laying” are the six days of creation. The “five golden rings” are the first five books of the Old Testament.
The “four calling birds” are the four Gospels. The “three French hens” represent the Trinity, or the three Theological Virtues of Faith, hope and Love. The “two turtle doves” represent the two natures in Jesus: human and divine or the two Testaments, Old and New. The “partridge” is Jesus himself, and the “pear tree” is the Cross.
"Letters from the Cross", Newsletter of Catholic Radio Station WQOM
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