MEANDERING. Going from one thing to another, one place to another. Maybe one thought, one prayer to another. One of my favorite things to do.
PUTTERING happens to be my favorite activity, or non-activity, as the case may be. "Putter: to move or act aimlessly or idly; to work at random." Getting pretty good at this one.
In addition to MEANDERING and PUTTERING, I am also pretty good at DRIFTING.
This is the state of (slowly) coming from a sleeping to waking state, going (slowly) from a waking to sleeping state, and is a deep resting state. Not resting like sitting down after a long walk. Sitting or lying are common when drifting, but are more than just that--- getting absorbed in birdsong, neighbor sounds, running water or tides, but not doing any in-depth processing of sensory data, not having any particular thoughts--- drifitng is a deeply relaxed, non-doing state of being. I enjoy drifting very much.
It is similar yet distinct from ZONING, though some may use the terms interchangeably. Zoning as I understand it is a state of very focused doing--- like an artist painting, a musician composing or playing, a writer writing, a worshipper worshipping--- in which time has no bearing. I can zone at times, and enjoy it when it happens.
Because MEANDERING is such a favorite occupation of mine, and one I'm very good at, this blog will be named accordingly!
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