Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Theme of this Healing Conference was on Chronic Illness and Cancer.

It was quite an amazing conference, my first on a healing prayer team--- I was quite spent in the end. 

And Father Nigel Mumford is a character! An Episcopalian priest and former Royal Marine (UK), he has run healing centers in the Diocese of Albany for many years. He has specialized in trauma/PTSD, and has developed a ministry for returning military and their families, free of cost, called WELCOME HOME. 

Nigel entered into the healing ministry in response to the 1989 healing of his sister from a severe neuromuscular condition. He himself was healed of H1N1 and at this Conference was three weeks post-operative for a total hip replacement.

High point for me was the words declaring cancer healing to be the Christ the Redeemer Church specialty! Some in the prayer line with my partner had cancer or loved ones with cancer. Other issues too. In general it all went wonderfully well. Awesome to be so aware of the Presence of God as both Jack and I were that day. 

Speaking of Jack- and for him a little- he's never been part of things like the 3rd Fridays or this conference- he loved it and was beat when it ended. And afterwards we had our 9 year old grand- daughter later & overnight! Thankfully that went well too. 

Grateful to serve our awesome & BRILLIANT God!

Friday, October 12, 2012


Demons can make for great supernatural thrillers in the entertainment world, but they can also create havoc in our lives. We bump into them all the time—an unkind word, a sense of entitlement, a disparaging attitude toward ourselves or others.

Our demons may not be the apocalyptic creatures of the Twilight Zone or the latest “survival horror” video game, but they are very real and very deadly nonetheless. They can rob us of our conscience, of our God-given capacity to move toward the good, foster right relationships, and seek God always.

What demons am I tangling with and how might I, in the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (no. 385), be vigilant in shifting my focus to God and trusting in the “superabundance” of God’s grace?

“Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house.”
         Luke 11:15-26 (465)